Broadcast TV Ad Buys

The greatest audience reach on the planet.

Broadcast TV Ad Buy Overview

Broadcast Television Advertising remains a potent tool for businesses aiming to reach a wide audience. By placing ads on major networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, MyNetworkTV, CW, and their digital channels, companies can achieve significant visibility and credibility.

While not suitable for every business, those who can effectively use broadcast TV often see substantial benefits in brand recognition and customer engagement.

OEPMA specializes in this field, bringing decades of experience in broadcast TV media buying in top markets. We currently manage millions in advertising spend, helping businesses maximize their impact on these powerful platforms. If you’re considering broadcast TV advertising to grow your business, reach out to OEPMA.

We’re ready to discuss how our expertise can help you craft a strategic television advertising campaign that delivers results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Broadcast Television Advertising

What is broadcast television advertising?

Broadcast television advertising involves purchasing airtime for commercials or sponsorships with local affiliates of major networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW, and MyTVNetwork. 

This form of advertising typically utilizes short video segments, commonly referred to as “spots,” which can range in duration from quick 5-second messages to more comprehensive 60-second ads. The most frequently used formats are 15 and 30-second spots.

Can I target specific demographics with broadcast TV advertising?

Broadcast television advertising offers some demographic targeting capabilities, but it’s less precise than digital marketing. The primary method of targeting in TV advertising is through program selection.

Unlike digital platforms where you can specify exact demographics like “18-35 year old men who like sports,” broadcast TV requires a more indirect approach. You’d need to identify which programs your target audience typically watches. For instance, to reach young male sports enthusiasts, you might place ads during live sports broadcasts, pre-game shows, post-game analysis programs, or sports-related special events.

This approach is based on viewership patterns and general audience demographics for different types of programming. While it can be effective, it’s inherently broader than the pinpoint targeting offered by digital advertising. You’re essentially reaching everyone watching a particular program, which may include viewers outside your ideal demographic.


How long does it take to see results from a TV advertising campaign?

The timeframe for seeing results from a TV advertising campaign varies significantly depending on the industry and the nature of the product or service being advertised.

For businesses in immediate-need sectors, such as fast food restaurants, results can be almost instantaneous. People eat daily, so a compelling ad for a burger place might drive customers to the restaurant that same day.

On the other hand, service-based businesses like HVAC companies or law firms typically experience a longer lead time before seeing noticeable results, often taking several months. This is due to the nature of demand for these services.

The key difference lies in frequency of need. While people might crave a burger or need household items like laundry detergent regularly, they don’t require legal services or air conditioning repairs on a daily basis.

For these service-based industries, TV advertising serves more as a tool for building brand awareness and staying top-of-mind with viewers. The goal is to be the first business they think of when they eventually need those services. Most viewers won’t need a lawyer or HVAC technician at the exact moment they see the ad, but the repeated exposure helps ensure they remember your business when the need does arise.

In essence, the speed of results correlates with the immediacy and frequency of the need for your product or service in consumers’ daily lives.

How much does broadcast television advertising cost?

The cost of broadcast television advertising varies significantly depending on the market. Markets are divided into Designated Market Areas (DMAs), which span different counties and states, each encompassing a specific number of households.

Key factors affecting cost:

Market size: Generally, larger DMAs are more expensive. However, this is relative, as businesses operating in larger markets typically generate higher revenue.

Budget considerations: As a rough guideline, if your business can’t allocate at least $10,000 per month for broadcast TV advertising, it may not be the most effective option. This budget is necessary to achieve meaningful impressions and frequency. If you’re budget is below $10,000 a month, we suggest checking out Streaming TV Advertising solutions.

Consistency: A one-time $10,000 spend is unlikely to yield significant results. Effective TV advertising requires consistent, month-after-month investment.

Market ranking: The impact of a $10,000 budget differs between a top 25 market and one ranked below the top 50. It’s all relative to the specific market dynamics.

Individual assessment: For a more precise cost estimate, it’s crucial to consider your specific market. We can help by contacting local stations to gather detailed pricing information.

What does "posting a buy" mean?

“Posting a buy” in broadcast television advertising is the process of reviewing how well an ad campaign performed after it has aired. It involves checking if the ads reached as many viewers as promised, analyzing how effectively the campaign met its goals, and ensuring the advertiser got what they paid for.

If the ads didn’t reach enough people, the TV station may offer “make good” spots. The agency then creates a report for the client showing the results and makes sure the billing is correct based on the actual performance.

These performance metrics are agreed upon during the buying process with the television stations and are generally a percentage of the buy.

As an example, if your buy promises 100,000 impressions promised at 95%, and the buy garnered 75,000 impressions , then there would be 20,000 impressions that would need to be “made good.”

What is OEPMA's fee for managing broadcast television buys?

Our Fees for Broadcast Television Buys

  • Standard fee: 15% of total media spend
  • Large buys: Percentage may decrease based on volume
  • Fee covers: Media buying, management, and optimization
  • Not included: Commercial production costs
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