Digital Video Advertising

Boost your brand through online video.

Digital Video Advertising Overview

Digital video advertising is a powerful tool for promoting your business through engaging video content across various platforms, apps, and streaming services. The beauty of this approach lies in its versatility and the ability to create targeted audiences, ensuring that your message reaches the right people at the right time.

With digital video advertising, you can leverage a wide range of strategies to captivate your audience and drive meaningful results for your business. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales, this dynamic medium offers endless possibilities.

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of digital video advertising and take your marketing efforts to the next level, the team at OEPMA is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your goals and explore how we can create a tailored video advertising strategy that delivers the results you need.

Frequently Asked Questions About Digital Video Advertising

What is digital video advertising?

Digital video advertising involves paying for the placement of branded videos in various platforms and formats including streaming, social media, and apps. This can include phone, tablet, and even televisions. 

What are all the platforms I can place my video?

In today’s digital landscape, the question isn’t where you can place your digital video ad, but rather, where can’t you? The possibilities are vast and ever-expanding.

First, let’s consider the social media giants: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and the newly rebranded X (formerly Twitter). These platforms offer immense reach and targeting capabilities, allowing you to connect with your desired audience in a space where they actively engage.

While some might lump YouTube into the social media category, it deserves its own spotlight due to the unparalleled reach of the Google Ads platform. Not only can you place your video ad on popular YouTube videos or content that resonates with your target audience, but you can also extend your reach to web videos from renowned publishers like the New York Times and ESPN.

But the opportunities don’t stop there. Streaming services have emerged as a powerful avenue for digital video advertising. If this piques your interest, we have a dedicated page that dives into the world of streaming services advertising, covering both Over The Top (OTT) and Connected Television (CTV). We highly recommend exploring this option to see how it aligns with your marketing goals.

How will my ad show up on these platforms?

When it comes to how your digital video ad will show up on various platforms, there are a few common formats to consider:

In-stream ads: These ads play before, during, or after the main video content. They can be skippable or non-skippable, depending on the platform and your advertising preferences. In-stream ads are common on platforms like YouTube, where they appear within the video player itself.

In-feed ads: These ads appear natively within the content feed of a social media platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter (now known as X). They blend in with the organic content and can be scrolled through, but are marked as “sponsored” or “promoted” to indicate that they are advertisements.

Stories ads: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat feature a “Stories” format, where users can view short, ephemeral content. Your video ad can be placed in between these user stories, offering a full-screen, immersive experience.

Outstream ads: These ads are not tied to a specific video but rather appear within the content of a webpage, such as in between paragraphs of an article. They typically play automatically when in view and can be placed on various websites and publishers through ad networks.

OTT and CTV ads: When advertising on streaming services, your video ad can be played during the streaming content, similar to traditional TV commercials. These ads can be targeted based on factors like demographics, interests, and viewing behavior.

The specific ad formats and placement options may vary depending on the platform and its advertising offerings.

How much are people watching digital content where my ad may show up?

Digital video is rapidly evolving, and the latest statistics from Statista underscore this dramatic shift. In 2022, a significant milestone was reached as the daily time spent watching digital videos surpassed the time dedicated to traditional television.

This trend has continued to gain momentum, with projections indicating even further growth in the future. As of 2023, US adults are spending an average of 3.5 hours engaging with digital video content, compared to 2.55 hours watching traditional television.

Interestingly, these two forms of media consumption often happen simultaneously and can even complement each other in certain situations. It’s not uncommon for viewers to see something on their television screens that sparks their curiosity, prompting them to reach for their phones to learn more or watch related content that enhances their understanding of what they’re viewing on traditional television.

The undeniable growth of digital video is a testament to changing consumer preferences and the increasing influence of younger generations. As these demographics enter adulthood and begin making decisions about purchases and service providers, they bring with them a strong affinity for consuming content digitally. This shift in behavior is set to have a profound impact on the media landscape, as businesses and advertisers adapt to reach and engage with their target audiences where they are spending the most time.

What are the benefits of digital video advertising?

When discussing the advantages of digital video advertising with prospective clients, one key benefit stands out: targeting.

In the traditional TV advertising approach, advertisers select programs that align with their target audience based on historical viewership data for specific demographics. They place their ads and hope for the best, relying on post-campaign television data to gauge how many people within their desired group viewed the program. While this method can be effective, it offers limited control and insights.

In contrast, digital video advertising empowers advertisers to create their own audience. The specific content being watched becomes secondary to reaching the right people. As long as the campaign is set up correctly to appeal to the intended audience, the ad can be effective regardless of the video content.

To illustrate this, let’s consider an example. If an advertiser wants to target men in their 50s who enjoy modifying vehicles, a traditional TV placement during a NASCAR race would be a logical choice. However, in the digital realm, the advertiser would identify this group through the ad network and campaign setup, targeting those individuals directly. The fascinating aspect is that once identified, the car enthusiast may not necessarily be watching car-centric content. They could be viewing content about their favorite football team or learning how to perfectly smoke ribs on YouTube. The ad network’s ability to recognize their interests allows the ad to appear in various contexts, unlike traditional TV.

Many advertisers get caught up in asking, “What show or page will my ad appear on?” In digital advertising, this question becomes largely irrelevant. The focus shifts to broadcasting to a specific audience rather than relying on a particular program. By embracing this audience-centric approach, digital video advertising offers unparalleled targeting precision and measurement capabilities, enabling advertisers to connect with their desired audience effectively and efficiently.

I have television commercials, can I just use them for my digital video campaigns?

If you already have television commercials, you might be wondering if you can repurpose them for your digital video campaigns. The answer depends on your specific goals and target audience.

If the audience you have built digitally aligns well with the message and tone of your existing television commercial, then using that commercial can be a viable option. However, it’s important to consider the potential risks of using a generic or broad-based commercial for a highly targeted digital audience.

Let’s revisit the Ford Mustang example. If you’re targeting Ford enthusiasts with specific Mustang parts, but your TV commercial is very general and mentions other car brands, the effectiveness of your digital campaign may suffer. The commercial might come across as cold or irrelevant to a group that you’ve identified as “knowing exactly what they need.”

When it comes to digital video advertising, carefully consider the audience you’re building and what will resonate with them specifically. If you have video content that effectively speaks to your target audience and aligns with your campaign goals, then you’re in a great position to launch your digital campaign.

However, if your existing content doesn’t quite hit the mark, it’s better to invest in producing the right content rather than compromising your campaign’s success due to suboptimal creative. Failing to do so might lead to a negative perception of digital video advertising, causing you to dismiss its potential without fully understanding its power when executed correctly.

What is the cost of digital video advertising?

When it comes to the costs associated with digital video advertising, assuming you already have your videos produced and ready to go, there are two main factors to consider.

The first is the ad spend required to place your ads across various platforms. It’s crucial to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to ad spend. The more targeted and specific your audience is, the higher the cost per view (CPV) or cost per thousand views (CPM) tends to be.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at an example. Targeting 50-55 year old men who have a specific interest in Ford Mustangs will likely come at a higher cost compared to targeting a broader audience of males aged 18 and above who have a general affinity for muscle cars. The more granular and precise your targeting, the more you can expect to pay for each view or impression.

The second cost to consider is the fee associated with engaging an agency like OEPMA to manage and execute your digital video advertising campaigns. At OEPMA, our pricing structure is straightforward. We charge a percentage of your total ad spend, typically 10%, with a minimum spend requirement of $1,000 for digital video campaigns.