Display Advertising

Introduce your brand to those most likely to need you.

Display Advertising Overview

Display advertising is a powerful tool for promoting your business through visually compelling ads across various websites and apps. The beauty of this approach lies in its versatility and the ability to create targeted audiences, ensuring that your message reaches the right people at the right time.

With display advertising, you can leverage a wide range of ad formats and targeting strategies to capture your audience and drive results for your business. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales, this medium is one to research to add to your advertising mix.

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of display advertising and take your marketing efforts to the next level, the team at OEPMA is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your goals and explore how we can create a tailored display advertising strategy that delivers the results you need.

Frequently Asked Questions About Display Advertising

What is display advertising?

Display advertising is a form of digital advertising that involves serving static image ads to a targeted audience across various online platforms. While the term “banner ads” was once commonly used to describe this type of advertising, the landscape has evolved to include a diverse range of ad placements and formats beyond the traditional banner.

While technically digital video ads are a form of display ads, on this page, we’ll focus specifically on static image display ads. For information on video-based display advertising, please visit our dedicated page on Digital Video Advertising.

Is remarketing a form of Display Advertising?

Yes. For more information on remarketing with display advertising, please see our Remarketing Advertising page.

Are social media ads a form of Display Advertising?

Yes. For more information on social media display advertising, please see our Social Media Advertising page. 

When should I use display advertising with my business?

Display advertising often serves as a powerful complement to other marketing campaigns, but it can also be highly effective as a standalone strategy. Here are a few examples:

  • If you have a linear television campaign targeting sports programming, you can create a parallel display campaign that mirrors the geographic location and targets users with an affinity for sports. This allows you to show them relevant display ads as they read sports news online. A similar approach can be applied to digital video campaigns.

  • For businesses with existing billboards or other outdoor advertising, creating a geofence within a certain radius of those locations allows you to serve display ads to people who enter that defined area.

  • In the case of a standalone campaign, display advertising can be used to target specific neighborhoods or communities. For instance, if you’re a landscaper looking to expand your business in a particular subdivision, you can geo-fence that area and serve ads featuring a special offer tailored to the residents.

How are display ads triggered to serve to the audience?

Display ads can be triggered to serve to your target audience through various strategies:

Geographic Targeting
Serve your ads to people within a specific country, state, city, or even zip code. For more detailed geographic targeting, you can utilize geofencing and addressable geofencing.

Demographic Targeting
Target your ads based on age, gender, parental status, or household income.

Audience Targeting (Similar Sites, Keywords)
Create an audience of people most likely to use your product or need your service by targeting keywords or websites similar to yours. You can also target people who are in the market for your goods or services based on their browsing and search history.

Placement Targeting
Choose specific websites or apps where you want your ads to appear.

Serve display ads to people who have previously visited your website or interacted with an ad. Learn more about this strategy on our Remarketing Advertising page.

Combining Targeting Options
You can mix and match these targeting methods to create a highly specific audience. For example, you could serve ads to females aged 20-40 with a child and a household income above $150,000 who visit a particular website. Keep in mind that more targeted campaigns generally come with a higher cost per click or for 1,000 views.

Where are my display ads showing?

When running display advertising campaigns, ads can be shown on a wide variety of publisher websites and apps that are part of the display network, such as the Google Display Network.

These publisher websites can include popular news sites like The New York Times or sports platforms like ESPN. Your ads may also appear on various blogs, forums, and niche websites that cater to your target audience’s interests.

In addition to websites, your display ads can be shown within mobile apps, such as weather apps, local news apps, gaming apps, or any other app that is part of the display network and matches your targeting criteria.

The specific websites and apps where your ads will be displayed depend on the targeting settings you’ve chosen and the inventory available within the display network. The display network’s algorithm will match your ads with the most relevant placements based on your targeting preferences and the website or app’s content.

It’s important to note that while you may not always have direct control over the specific websites or apps where your ads appear, you can use placement targeting to include or exclude particular websites or categories of apps which we do often to when running these campaings for clients.

How does the pricing model work for display ads?

Display ads can be placed using several pricing models, depending on the advertising platform and the advertiser’s goals. The most common pricing models for display advertising are:

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) or Pay-Per-Click (PPC): In this model, advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad. This is suitable for advertisers primarily focused on driving traffic to their website or landing page.

Cost-Per-Thousand-Impressions (CPM): With CPM, advertisers pay for every 1,000 ad impressions, regardless of whether users click on the ad. This model is often used for brand awareness campaigns or when the advertiser wants to ensure their ad is seen by a large audience.

Cost-Per-Conversion (CPC) or Cost-Per-Action (CPA): In this model, advertisers pay when a user completes a specific action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. This is suitable for advertisers focused on conversions and generating leads.

What size creative assets would I need for my display advertising campaigns?

When running display advertising campaigns for our clients, we typically handle all the visual assets, ensuring a seamless process. To answer the question about ad sizes, there is a wide range of options available, optimized for various devices, including mobile websites, mobile apps, tablets, and desktop.

The most popular display ad sizes in the United States are:

  • Medium Rectangle (300×250)
  • Large Rectangle (336×280)
  • Leaderboard (728×90)
  • Half Page (300×600)
  • Large Mobile (320×100)

While there are many more sizes that can be used, these five sizes cover a significant portion of the available ad inventory. By focusing on these popular sizes, you can ensure that your ads will be compatible with a broad range of websites and apps, maximizing your reach and potential impact.

What is the cost of running a display advertising campaing?

When it comes to budget allocation, display campaigns often receive a smaller portion compared to other channels like search advertising. However, it’s crucial to invest a sufficient amount in your display campaigns to ensure meaningful results.

A good starting point is to consider the performance of your other campaigns. For instance, if you’re running a Google Ads Search Campaign and acquiring leads at $50 per lead, you can use this as a baseline for your display advertising campaign, regardless of whether you’re using a Cost Per Click or Cost Per Conversion model. While display advertising may potentially deliver leads at a lower cost, starting with your current benchmark is a wise approach.

Keep in mind that this is a general guideline, as the optimal investment may vary depending on your specific business and goals. Some businesses might find success with a smaller budget, while others may require a larger investment. However, we recommend allocating at least $500 to your display campaign to gather meaningful data and insights.

At our agency, we handle all aspects of display campaign management for a fee of 10% of the total ad spend. For campaigns with budgets below $5,000, we charge a setup fee that varies based on the complexity of your campaign(s). This ensures that we can dedicate the necessary time and resources to develop and optimize your display advertising strategy, maximizing your return on investment.