Brand Identity

Everything you see that makes up your brand.

Branding Identity Overview

At OEPMA, we thoroughly enjoy crafting compelling brand identities that help businesses stand out in today’s crowded market.

We work closely with clients to develop comprehensive visuals that communicate their unique values, personality, and mission. From designing memorable logos and symbols to curating cohesive color palettes and typography, we focus on creating consistent and recognizable elements across all touchpoints. Our goal is to help businesses build a strong connection with their target audience and achieve instant brand recognition.

Whether you’re a startup looking to establish a powerful presence or an established company seeking to refresh your image, OEPMA is here to help you create a brand identity that resonates with the market and sets you apart from the competition.

Contact OEPMA today and let’s get started on telling your brand’s story through visually striking and meaningful design elements.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brand Identity

What is brand identity?

Brand identity is the visual representation of a company’s values, personality, and mission. It includes all the elements that make a brand recognizable and distinct, such as logos, colors, typography, imagery, and tone of voice.

Examples of Brand Identity Elements:


  • Golden Arches
  • Red & Yellow Colors

Michael Jordan

  • Jumpman Logo


  • Blue lowercase “f”


  • Red Check Mark

Why is brand identity important for my business?

Imagine receiving a business card from someone. It’s flimsy, with a pixelated logo and handwritten updates for phone numbers and email addresses scattered all over it. You visit their website listed on the card, only to find that the logo is slightly different, and the colors are completely mismatched. This inconsistency leaves you feeling uncertain about the person’s business, and you struggle to grasp their identity.

Now, picture a different scenario. Someone hands you a sturdy, well-crafted business card with a crisp, professional logo and clear contact information. Intrigued, you visit their website and discover that it perfectly matches the aesthetic and feel of the business card. The logo, colors, and overall design are reinforced consistently throughout the site, creating a cohesive and memorable brand experience.

Which of these two scenarios instills more confidence in the person’s offerings? The answer is clear – the latter.

A strong, consistent brand identity makes a world of difference in how potential customers perceive a business.

This is why brand identity matters so much.

What are the elements of brand identity?

The core components of a brand identity include the business name, main logo, secondary logos / symbols, color palette, fonts, typography, and imagery.

These elements form the foundation upon which all other branded materials are built.

Once these key components are established, they are consistently applied across various touchpoints to create a cohesive and recognizable brand experience. This includes:

Website: The brand identity is carried through to the design, layout, and content of the company’s website, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Business Stationery: Items such as business cards, letterheads, envelopes, and email signatures incorporate the brand identity, reinforcing professionalism and credibility.

Advertising: Both digital and traditional advertising campaigns, including social media posts, banner ads, billboards, and print ads, should align with the established brand identity.

Packaging: For businesses offering physical products, the brand identity is extended to product packaging.

Signage and Storefronts: For brick-and-mortar locations, the brand identity is applied to signage, window displays, and interior design elements.

After my brand identity is created, what should I do with it?

Once your brand identity is created, the most important thing is to use it consistently across all communications and advertising.
Consistency is key when it comes to building a strong, recognizable brand. Always use your established logo, color palette, typography, and imagery in every aspect of your business, from your website and social media profiles to your business cards and product packaging.

Never deviate. Resist the temptation to make subtle changes or use different colors or fonts in certain situations. Inconsistency can breed confusion.

Remember, the repetition of your brand identity is what matters most. The more frequently your target audience is exposed to your consistent brand elements, the more likely they are to remember and recognize your business.

How much would a brand identity creation cost with OEPMA?

To provide you with an accurate quote, we would need to discuss your specific needs and goals in more detail. We will work closely with you to understand your vision, audience, and competition to develop a customized branding identity solution that fits your budget.

If you’re interested in creating a new brand identity or enhancing your current one, we encourage you to contact us. We’ll be happy to schedule a consultation, learn more about your business, and provide you with a detailed proposal outlining our services and associated costs.